In what journals has Black Cat Editing been successful at getting published?

Social Science Journals:
International Journal of Educational Research
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction
Journal of Interdisciplinary Education and Psychology
Depression and Anxiety
Journal of Traumatic Stress
Psychosomatic Medicine
Annals of Behavioral Medicine
International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
International Journals of Early Years Education
Journal of Child Language

Business Journals:
Journal of Strategy and Management
Journal of Business Ethics Education
International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets
Australian Journal of Sustainable Business and Society
How quickly can I get my paper edited?
You may request a date and you will get an answer via email if this is possible. It depends on the volume of manuscripts in queue and the length of your paper. I edit many papers within a week.
How can I see the recommended edits and comments?

I use the track changes feature in MS Word. I also insert comments which will show up on the page margins. You can accept or reject any changes made.

Can you provide suggestions for the content of my paper?
Yes! If the manuscript content falls within my areas of expertise, I provide a professional review of your paper. This includes an assessment of its strengths and weaknesses. Your review may also include suggestions for additional references, alternative interpretations of your results, theories for grounding your work, and more.
I can't afford your service for my whole paper. Suggestions?
Yes! Choose the section of your paper you think you need the most help with and I will focus on that. Alternatively, you can send one section (or chapter) at a time so the fee is spread out and more affordable for you over time.
Can I get a refund if I am not happy with the editing?
English is not my first language. Can you help?
No. Payment is due before services are rendered. However, I aim to please. Provide feedback about the service and I will try to ameliorate any concerns.
Yes! I am a native English speaker, trained and experienced in working with English Language Learners. I will make comments in your text that will help you to learn and improve upon your English language skills. I do not, however, provide translation services.

What about confidentiality?
Is Black Cat Editing affiliated with any publishers?
Any documents uploaded (i.e., abstracts, original written work, draft papers) will be used for the purpose of editing and reviewing your work only and will never be shared with a third party.
Although I am an accomplished researcher and writer, Black Cat Editing is not affiliated with any publishers (i.e., Elsevier, Taylor & Francis). Editing and review by Black Cat Editing will not guarantee acceptance to any conferences, journal publications, venue, or outlet. Even my advertised past successes do not guarantee future success with your work.